According to University of Minnesota study, people were more likely to have favorable attitudes toward exercise and health eating when their family and friends exercised and ate healthy foods. Since we are often influenced by the people around us it is important to pay attention to the good examples of incorporating health and wellness into our lives. Here are some great ways to build your support system around health and wellness:
1. Get a workout partner (a family member, a friend, a colleague at work)
2. Join a gym and get involved in classes and activities you enjoy. You will meet others, make friends and stay motivated.
3. Use Technology. Now days you can find many sports clubs, walking clubs and work out groups on the Internet. Pick one and join. A lot of these groups are free. Get involved.
4. If you are over 65 look into the senior center fitness programs and programs through the YMCA such as Silver Sneakers.
Most of all...have fun.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Magnesium is good for bone health and more!!
Magnesium is a vital catalyst in enzyme activity and assists in calcium and potassium uptake. A definciency of magnesium interferes with the transmission of nerve and muscle impluses. This can cause irritability,nervousness, headaches, osteoporsis, and irregular heartbeats. Supplementing your diet with magnesium can help prevent depression, dizziness, muscle weakness, twitching and PMS. It can also help in maintaining the body's proper pH balance.
The Institute of Medicine's Food and Nutrition Board recommended daily allowance is 310-320 mg for women over age 19 and 400-420 mg for men the same age. Good sources of magnesium are found in:
- spinach
- black beans
- peanut butter
- almonds
- baked potato with skin on
The Institute of Medicine's Food and Nutrition Board recommended daily allowance is 310-320 mg for women over age 19 and 400-420 mg for men the same age. Good sources of magnesium are found in:
- spinach
- black beans
- peanut butter
- almonds
- baked potato with skin on
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
How to Navigate through your Supermarkets for healthy food.
Commerical Supermarkets are designed and laid out to get consumers to buy things they may not have opted for when planning their food shopping trip. It's helpful to know where the dangers lie and where you you can find the healthiest food.
Here are some healthful strategies:
1. Beware of foods placed at eye level. Foods are strategically placed to promote consumers to purchase. "Research - lots of it- shows that what you see is what you buy", states professor Marion Nestle of University of New York. Beware of these eye level foods.
2. Skip End of Aisle Displays. Most of the time these displays are promoting junk food.
3. Beware of the Bakery and the bulk items in Corrals (chocolate covered nuts, candy, etc). Bakery items are intended to enhance our senses but be sure to read the labels. Often bakery goods are loaded with fat and sugar.
4. Start with the Perimeter. The freshest fruits and vegetables and the least processed foods with be around the perimeter of your market. Start at the perimeter and enter the aisles only for specific items on your food list.
Here are some healthful strategies:
1. Beware of foods placed at eye level. Foods are strategically placed to promote consumers to purchase. "Research - lots of it- shows that what you see is what you buy", states professor Marion Nestle of University of New York. Beware of these eye level foods.
2. Skip End of Aisle Displays. Most of the time these displays are promoting junk food.
3. Beware of the Bakery and the bulk items in Corrals (chocolate covered nuts, candy, etc). Bakery items are intended to enhance our senses but be sure to read the labels. Often bakery goods are loaded with fat and sugar.
4. Start with the Perimeter. The freshest fruits and vegetables and the least processed foods with be around the perimeter of your market. Start at the perimeter and enter the aisles only for specific items on your food list.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Serving Sizes: What do they look like?

We are told to read the labels on our packages and encouraged to stick to single servings but what does a serving size look like and how does it differ from a portion?
According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute a portion refers to the amount of food you choose to eat. A Serving is used to describe the recommended amount of food you should eat at a given meal.
To give you a clearer picture here are some visual examples of what a serving really looks like:
One Serving: Visual Example:
1 Baked Potato; fist
1 Cup Salad Greens; baseball
1/2 Cup cooked rice of pasta; 1/2 baseball
1 1/2 ounces of cheese; 4 stacked dice
1 Cup cereal flakes; fist
1 Pancake; compact disk
1 Teaspoon margarine; 1 dice
3 Ounces of Meat; deck of cards
2 Tablespoons peanut butter; table tennis ball
Next time you are out eating and wondering how many servings you are consuming picture the visual example. Remember, healthy eating is all about moderation.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Garlic: It's a superstar for our health!
Many of us avoid eating garlic when we are with friends and for good reason, but did you know that garlic is one of the most valuable fooods on earth? Here are just some of the the many benefits of Garlic:
1. Lowers Blood pressure.
2. Lowers serum cholesterol levels and aids in digestion.
3. Useful in treating many illnesses and diseases including cancer. It is a ptent immune system protector and natural antibiotic.
4. Effective against fungal infections (such as athlete's foot, systemic candidiasis and yeast infections.
5. Good for the the heart and colon.
These are just a few of the many benefits. Garlic can be consumed in many ways. Cloves can be baked or roasted. Raw garlic can be added to many foods such as guacamole, or salsa. Garlic can be added to olive or canola oil for cooking or used for sauteing. If you don't like the smell or taste you can purchase odorless garlic capsules (Kyolic is one brand). So next time your cooking or eating out...don't forget the Garlic!! It's a superstar for our health!
1. Lowers Blood pressure.
2. Lowers serum cholesterol levels and aids in digestion.
3. Useful in treating many illnesses and diseases including cancer. It is a ptent immune system protector and natural antibiotic.
4. Effective against fungal infections (such as athlete's foot, systemic candidiasis and yeast infections.
5. Good for the the heart and colon.
These are just a few of the many benefits. Garlic can be consumed in many ways. Cloves can be baked or roasted. Raw garlic can be added to many foods such as guacamole, or salsa. Garlic can be added to olive or canola oil for cooking or used for sauteing. If you don't like the smell or taste you can purchase odorless garlic capsules (Kyolic is one brand). So next time your cooking or eating out...don't forget the Garlic!! It's a superstar for our health!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Why Sleep is important to your Wellness.

Like many of us sleep seems to be the first thing we give up when we are under time constraints of getting things done for our family, jobs and ourselves. What many of us don't realize is that sleep is essential for our health & wellness. Sleep is essential to our survival and much more. Studies show that rats deprived of sleep die within two to three weeks, a time frame similar to death due to starvation.
Most adults need between 8 and 9 hours of sleep each night. Lack of adequate sleep can have serious consequences. Some of these include:
Decreases in:
Reaction Times
Increases in:
Memory Lapses
Accidents & Injuries
Behavior Problems
Mood Problems
How can we get more sleep?
1. Exercise regularly. Many sleep experts say exercising 5-6 hours before you go to bed can actually help you sleep.
2. Set a regular bedtime. Going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time every day can also help establish sleep patterns.
3.Relax your mind. Avoid violence or scary movies or tv shows at night before you go to bed.
4. Avoid Caffeine & other stimulants (such as alcohol and nicotine) before you go to sleep.
5. Create the right sleep environment. Studies show that people sleep best in a dark room that is slightly on the cool side. Close your blinds or curtains and turn down the thermostat in your room.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Exercise can increase your happiness

People that exercise, whether that's an aerobic class, walking, a sport, yoga or pilates, feel healthier and better about themselves and enjoy life more. Research has proven that exercising 3 times a week for 30 minutes can be just as powerful as taking psychiatric drugs. Exercise vastly improves our mental health.
Research finds that exercise and physical activity has the following benifits:
- Increases confidence
- Improves self image
- Directly increases happiness
- Increases overall energy levels
What's the best exericise to do? Trick question. It's the one you enjoy and want to do. If you are a beginner exerciser remember to start slowly and listen to your body. Increase the time you exercise gradually (i.e. start with 5 or 10 minutes and gradually work your way up to 30 minutes).
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Eat foods rich in L-carnitine!
L-Carnitine is an amino acid manufactured in your liver. It helps facilitate fat metabolism, increase energy in muscle cells and promotes fat loss. It also can help increase circulation in the brain and prevents fat oxidation in the brain. This is important in preventing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's dieases. What foods are rich in L-carnitine?
fermented soybeans
Vegetarians are more likely to be deficient than nonvegetarians because it is not found in Vegetable protein.
fermented soybeans
Vegetarians are more likely to be deficient than nonvegetarians because it is not found in Vegetable protein.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Vary Your Exercise for Fun and Safety

Many times we pick an exercise we enjoy and we continue to do that exercise week after week. Two problems can result when we don't vary our exercise. First, by performing only one time of exercise we are more prone to muscular injury and over use snydrome. Second, we can eventually get bored and stop exercising all together.
Follow these simple exercise tips for fun and safety:
1. Pick at least two to three exercise activities you enjoy doing and vary them each week to keep it fun and fresh.
Here are some ideas:
Weight training
Circuit Classes
Outdoor sports and exercise classes
Fitness Classes
Rock Climbing
Pilates/Yoga- Breathing Exercises
Rollar Skating
Skate Boarding
2. Make sure you are using different muscles weekly. If you are varying your exercise this will happen naturally. Make sure you focus on core training at least 1 to 2 times a week. Over use syndrome happens when you perform the same activity everyday, every week, every month.
3. Listen to your body. If you have not been active for a while, start out slowly. Check with your doctor if are on medications or recovering from a injury. Find out if any exercises are contraindicated. If you overdo it you will be more likely to give up in the early days because of aches and pains.
4. Most of all have Fun and Be Safe!!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The Power of Fruits & Vegetables

With the New Year here many of us want to improve our diets and eat more fruits and vegetables. We know it’s healthy, but why?
- Fruits and Vegetables are powerful antioxidants that fight oxidation in the body.
- Research has shown that that diets containing a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables can decrease the risk of diseases such as cancer, hypertension, stroke and cardiovascular disease, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and obesity to name a few.
- Fruits and Vegetables help protect our DNA and enhance our immune function.
- They can also lower our homcysteine levels (a precursor to disease that is measured in the blood).
Unfortunately, very few of us are able to eat the recommended 9-13 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Here are eight great ways to increase your fruits and vegetables in your diet everyday!
2. Pack an apple, orange, grapes for a mid-morning snack.
3. When you are eating a sandwich, pile it up with veggies first. Start with organic lettuce, tomatoes, onions, pickles, avocado, and artichoke hearts. It fills you up and is a great way to add fresh fruits and veggies to your diet.
4. Snack on crunchy raw vegetables like carrot, celery and jicama sticks, green beans, broccoli and cauliflower florets. If you don’t like the taste spruce it up with some yummy low fat dips or things like peanut butter for your celery.
5. If you don’t like veggies add them to your fruit smoothies…things like carrots, beets, celery, wheat grass can make your smoothie nutritious & delicious!
6. Dehydrate your fruits and veggies to make yummy snack packs. Things like bananas, apples, peaches, sweet potatoes, green beans are good choices. Dehydrating takes some time but it’s worth it. If you buy fruits and veggies already dehydrated read your labels. A lot of them will contain extra sugar and additives.
7. Top pizzas with bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, artichoke hearts, spinach, basil and grated zucchini.
8. Supplement your Fruits and Veggies with whole food supplements like Juice Plus (http://www.nutritionwithjuiceplus/). Juice Plus contains 17 different raw fruits and vegetables in a capsule, chewable or gummie form. It's a great way to get whole food nutrition.
Start today adding more fruits and veggies to your diet and your body will thank you for years to come!!!
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