We all want to be active, look great and be healthy into our 90’s & beyond but what does that look like for you? These are some responses I have received over the years from my clients:
-I want to delay aging
-I want to have peace of mind
-I want to feel more energetic and alert
-I want to be healthier so that I can prevent disease
-I want to be more balanced
When I ask most of my clients if they have created a Wellness Vision for themselves they ask “what’s that?” First, it’s important to understand the definition of wellness.
Wellness is much more than the opposite of illness:
-Wellness is the state of being in good health or at your best health;
-Wellness is the condition of good physical and mental health, especially when maintained by proper diet, exercise, and life habits;
-Wellness is the mastery of one’s wellbeing- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
The mastery of health and wellness doesn’t happen naturally. We need to plan and take action to improve or maintain our health. A Wellness Vision is our written plan.
Here are five simple steps and get started on your Wellness Vision today!
1. Start asking yourself questions. Who do I want to be when it comes to health, fitness and wellness? What do I want to do consistently- exercise, eat well, relax more? What do I want to have happen (i.e. weight loss, greater fitness, less stress, better health, more peace of mind)? Why does this matter to me?
2. Look at any obstacles. What are things that could get in the way?
3. Develop strategies to overcome obstacles. What are some realistic strategies that will increase my confidence in my ability to succeed?
4. Write it down!!! A wellness vision includes general statements that address the longer term (six months, 1 years, 2 years, 5 years, etc). Write down your answers to the questions above and be sure to include a realistic timeframe.
5. Take action everyday. Revisit your written wellness vision weekly. Take small steps each day towards your goals.
Make your wellness a priority today and for the future. It’s an investment that is priceless.