We have all read the statistics that less than 5% of the people who begin an exercise program are able to maintain and keep the weight off after one year. In order to be successful we must build a support system. A support system is a partner, coach, or friend who is reliable and will encourage you to continue to strive towards your wellness and fitness goals (even with set backs). I call these people your Wellness Partners.
Advantages of a support system:Improve successful completion. People enjoy exercising more when they have a wellness partner. Many times you will be pushed to do more than you thought you could complete.Helps you get through times when your motivation is lacking. Whether a friend or coach a wellness partner can help motivate you to stay on track. Teamwork. Working as a team can help get you to your wellness goals quicker. Teams often share great ideas, brainstorm and are great cheerleaders. Your team wants you to succeed. What to look for in a wellness partner:She or He must be reliable. You & your partner need to agree on the goals to be met. They should be SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Accurate, Realistic and Timely)Close to you in location.Agrees on exercise environment (outside, inside, at the ocean, etc)Matches or compliments your personality.Work on putting a successful support system together and you will be well on your way to succeeding in your wellness goals.